Old Algiers Cultural District
In 2008, the Old Algiers Cultural District was designated by the State of Louisiana. The OAMSC application was the top-rated application among the 17 the City of New Orleans submitted. The area surrounding Newton and Teche now have an opportunity for redevelopment as a cultural district, which will play to the area's strengths of jazz history and creative commerce. Old Algiers Main Street Corporation hopes to develop shops that sell one-of-a-kind arts and products, which are exempt from sales tax within a State Cultural District, and restore affordable housing for artists and other creative ecomony workers, such as musicians, producers, and various back-of-house occupations.
However, the primary benefit is that any rehabilitation projects within the district is eligible for state historic tax credits, even if the property is not within an historic district. In 2015, the Cultural District was expanded to mirror the boundaries of Old Algiers Main Street program area, making all qualifying buildings within those boundaries eligible for state tax credits. To find out how to take advantage of those credits, visit www.crt.state.la.us/cultural-development/historic-preservation/tax-incentives/ |